Employer Frequently Asked Questions?

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Won't our employees just tell us anyway?

Our experience is no. Not the important things. Without a safe place to share, they will eventually turn to social media or quit without speaking up. In either circumstance, you lose.

What items do you report to us?

We will share all reported incidents with your organization. The employee will remain unidentified in that process while you assess the potential validity of their claim.


How do you know who to report to?

All subscribed employers provide organization charts and their preferred contact. Based on the incident reported to us, we may not be able to use the preferred contact. We reserve the right to report to an appropriate level within the organization.

Do you report to law enforcement or regulators?

After reviewing an incident and any supporting documentation, we provide guidance to the whistleblower about additional reporting.

If whistleblowers are protected, why do they need anonymity?

When someone does speak up about a specific incident, it may be to a person who does not identify it as a whistleblowing event. They may be unaware of the protections of that process. In addition, there may be disbelief or anger involved. The whistleblower protections may be violated during that investigative time period.

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